Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Things are finally somewhat back to normal at our house. Kids had a few days off due to our crazy weather and they enjoyed their extra long weekend. I really hate the cold so I didn't go out to play when we got snow. The kids went out to the tramp and made snow angels. That was about it! Not enough to really play and just enough to send everyone in a panic and shut everything down! I just have to say publicly how thankful I am for heat and a tankless water heater. I thrive in the summer and hibernate in the winter. Come on spring!!!

Lily and I at home by ourselves (the way she likes it). She is so spoiled.

1 comment:

Sha nay nay said...

you should really try a Houston Summer. It's like living in Hell for 9 months of the year and if you're lucky, you get 3 months of cooler weather.