Saturday, December 19, 2009

I did it again....another month flew by and I just noticed. We have been crazy busy this month getting Christmas presents ready and attending parties. First I wanted to show the teacher gifts I made this year. It an inexpensive way to show some love and still not break the bank. I spent about $20 on the three boxes (including the candy and magnets). The kids got to help with the magnets and getting it easy!

I've been trying some new do's on the girls and I'm really in love with Lily's hair like this. There will be more styles to come. She has also CUT her beautiful locks off (when mom was not around!) and she needs to get it put up now to cover the short pieces that hang funny:(
We went to our ward "Breakfast with Santa" and the kids got to tell Santa what they wanted. After Jacob plowed into his lap (SO FUNNY), he told him that he wanted, "...everything you can imagine!". What a goof ball.
He took a running start PEOPLE! AND KNOCKED HIM BACK AS YOU CAN SEE HERE!!!!Lily was SO excited to tell him Merry Christmas and then after that she got star struck and kept saying it over and over till I helped her out and whispered that she wanted a train. She finally got comfortable enough but was still AMAZED by him!
Sara being so "mature" now, wrote her list and illustrated it also before handing it to Santa. She added the p.s. "I already checked with mom and dad and they said it was ok." <--This was for a green piano or keyboard. Where the heck am I gonna get a GREEN keyboard!? I put a star on Sara's head for the Millsapp Family Christmas Party. This was my first attempt at it and I would of started over if I had had the time. It was really cute and not too hard to do. I'll probably try this again at the 4th of July. We just said that she was a tree with her green dress and needed a star on top! JUST WAIT to see what I'm going to try on Christmas day!!! I'm REALLY excited for this one!! Stay tuned folks!
Here is Lily with an early Christmas present from Steve and Wendy. She wore it for about 5 seconds and has not put it back on since.....good thing I grabbed my camera! Along with giving her hair a trim she is also now dressing herself! Good times!
I hope I get a chance to put up some more pictures and some funny videos I've got before the end of this year! Have a very HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!!

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