Wednesday, November 4, 2009

October is over?

Wow, that month flew by. I coulda had it go by a little faster since we were all sick! I about lost my will to keep going trying to take care of two with the flu and have the flu myself! NOT FUN. We are all doing better now and back to our scheldule. I'm starting to get excited about the plans for November...lots to do! I'm crossing my fingers that we endured enough last month and everyone will be healthy through the least till Christmas!!!

NOW on to pictures from Halloween! First, I have to say that we had FUN!!! The kids got to dress up twice since we went to a trunk-or-treat Friday night and then trick-or treating @ my Mom's on Saturday. We went with a family theme for Friday but I changed Gene and I a few days before because of problems with costumes. Then it was whatever on Saturday because I had a headache and....well, it was just easy to do whatever! It was more fun doing things last minute. It always is.....I'm not gonna plan things out anymore!

Wicked Witch and the Cowardly Lion (I put this crappy makeup on Sara an hour before the DID cover her face before the car ride!)
My cute little Dorothy

My brother Joe was Micheal Jackson (best I've seen, even had the best moves and the right voice!) I was Taylor Swift. Thought it would be funny to go as her and Gene as Kayne West so he could interupt me and be rude. He didn't get the entire outfit going but it was the thought that was funny.
Mom and Mark

Jacob the pirate running from door to door!
My Mom help me with Sara's outfit ("I'm a fairy....NOT a ballerina!")

Lily was so quiet but she would say "trick or treat" and "thank you", and then talk our ears off after we got back. I'm pretty sure she had fun too!
This makes me laugh. Sara can be so animated. Her bucket was getting heavy.

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